LALIVE in the press | 20 November 2020
"Neuer zeitpunkt der begründung und bezifferung der zivilklage", an article co-authored by Simone Nadelhofer and Tabea Segessenmann
LALIVE partner Simone Nadelhofer and associate Tabea Segessenmann co-authored the article “Neuer Zeitpunkt der Begründung und Bezifferung der Zivilklage” (The New Timing of the Quantification of the Civil Claim in Criminal proceedings) published in the Blog of Economic Crime. The article follows a proposed amendment to the Swiss Code of Criminal Procedure and examines the changes this amendment could bring to civil claims within criminal proceedings.
Current law states that the quantification and statement of the grounds of the claim asserted in the civil claim within criminal proceedings must be specified in the party submission at the latest. With the current proposed revision of the Swiss Criminal Procedure Code, this date is to be brought forward. The draft provides that the quantification and statement of the grounds must be provided within the time limit set by the director of proceedings when scheduling the main hearing. What will practitioners have to take into account in light of this new timing?
Simone Nadelhofer is a member of several professional associations, including the Swiss Association of Experts in Economic Crime Investigation and the European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA). She is Regional Representative Europe of the IBA’s Business Crime Committee, Chair of the Anti-corruption and the Rule of Law Committee at the Inter Pacific Bar Association (IPBA) and a member of the advisory board of the Master Economic Crime Investigations studies at the Lucerne University. Furthermore, Simone acts as the external ombudsperson for tesa SE.
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