About us

Responsible business

A responsible and sustainable approach to business lies at the heart of LALIVE’s work and services. We hold ourselves to the highest standards in terms of both governance and impact on our communities and environment.

Diversity & inclusion

Diversity & inclusion

Diversity of experience, background, and thought is part of what makes LALIVE so special. We value personal growth and collective success, making the most of everyone’s unique talents, ensuring each person has a voice and the opportunity to thrive. The diversity and inclusion reflected in our teams also mean better solutions for our clients.

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Environment & climate

Environment & climate

LALIVE recognises the urgency of the climate crisis and the vital need to protect our natural world. We are committed to tracking, reducing and mitigating our impact on the environment. We strive for solutions to decrease our emissions, improve our resource efficiency and be environmentally sustainable.

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Pro bono

Pro bono

As lawyers, we have a special opportunity and responsibility to make a positive impact both locally and internationally by providing pro bono legal advice. Our pro-bono practice is particularly focused on assisting non-profit organisations.


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We recognise our collective responsibility and role within the communities in which we operate and embrace the opportunity to make a positive impact whenever we can.

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