News | 04 June 2014

Simone Nadelhofer appointed to the IPBA’s Ad Hoc Committee on Anti-Corruption and Rule of Law

LALIVE partner Simone Nadelhofer has been appointed as Vice-Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Anti-corruption and the Rule of Law Committee of the Inter-Pacific Bar Association (IPBA), which was founded at the Annual Conference of the Inter-Pacific Bar Association (IPBA) in Vancouver in May 2014.

The mission of the Ad Hoc Committee on Anti-Corruption and the Rule of Law  (“Committee”) of the Inter-Pacific Bar Association (“IPBA”) is to support the IPBA in studying the legal aspects of measures enacted to deter corruption in the Asia Pacific region, encourage ethical business practices, as well as understand and promote the rule of law in the Asia Pacific region.

Simone Nadelhofer has been a member of the IPBA, an international association of business and commercial lawyers who are located in, or have a strong interest in, the Asia-Pacific Region, since 2012. Her active involvement in this association is important to the firm’s practice in White Collar Crime and serves to strengthen LALIVE’s relationships with other practitioners in the Asia Pacific region.

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