Business services story

Jonas Zotomayor

Jonas Zotomayor

Name: Jonas Zotomayor, Legal Assistant, Geneva

Nationality: Swiss

Languages spoken: English, French

When did you join LALIVE? July 2018



Why did you join LALIVE?

I chose LALIVE, and turned down another offer, because of the firm’s strong reputation. I also wanted to work in arbitration to expand my skillset.

How have you grown and progressed at LALIVE?

As well as learning how to work on arbitration filings using all the essential technology and tools, I have also been given the chance to take on extra responsibilities as a part of the internal translation team and in the team of ‘super-users’ working with our internal matter management and billing system.

What have been highlights during your time at the firm?

It is always rewarding when we manage to pull through as a team, meeting expectations and deadlines. I have also loved getting involved in the annual Swiss national event where we welcome school children for a day so they can learn about different types of careers in law firms. And obviously the yearly inter-office parties are always a highlight!

How would you describe the culture and environment at LALIVE?

Quiet strength and elegance – actually very Swiss. There is something very poised, structured, and quietly confident about the firm and its people.

What qualities are needed to succeed and thrive at LALIVE?

I would say a willingness and capacity to learn, reliability, self-discipline, and composure.

Who has helped and supported you to grow and progress?

There is a good sense of camaraderie among the business support staff, which is conducive to growth and learning. Special thanks goes to the IT helpdesk!




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