Business services story

Stephanie Keegstra

Stephanie Keegstra

Name: Stephanie Keegstra, HR Officer, Geneva

Nationality: Swiss

Languages spoken: French, English, German

When did you join LALIVE? April 2019



Why did you join LALIVE?

I was looking for a first job in HR after a career change and was immediately convinced after the first interview. I felt excited about the international, fast-paced environment and the team I was going to join.

How have you grown and progressed at the firm?

I arrived in a junior HR Assistant role and developed my skills fast on the job, with the right support from the people around me. I gained HR and IT skills, and essential ‘soft’ skills, by learning from smart and empathic colleagues – my direct manager, my peers, partners and other senior managers. Since then my growth and contribution have been recognised with promotions from HR Assistant to HR Co-ordinator and now to HR Officer.

Can you share one or two highlights of your time here?

In 2023 we implemented a new HR system. I was trusted and supported to drive and manage the project. This involved working more closely with other departments (which I love!) and also modernising our internal processes. I really enjoyed this new level of challenge and responsibility.

How would you describe the environment at LALIVE?

It feels international, fast-paced and demanding, but also rewarding. The people are kind, generous and always respectful. Each office shares these qualities, but they also have a little of their own flavour, which is nice.

What qualities are needed to thrive here?

You need to be a proactive quick thinker, with a keen eye for detail. As well as being committed, resilient, and organised, you also need to be generous with your time.




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