News | 18 June 2020

Domitille Baizeau appointed on the HKIAC Council and HKIAC Proceedings Committee

LALIVE partner Domitille Baizeau has been appointed on the Council of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) and on its Proceedings Committee, for a two year term starting on 12 June 2020.

The HKIAC is a leading dispute resolution organisation, specialising in the administration of international disputes resolved through arbitration, mediation or adjudication. The HKIAC was recently ranked amongst the most preferred and used arbitral institutions worldwide and the most favoured arbitral institution outside of Europe, often praised for being at the forefront of innovative arbitration practice.

The HKIAC Council is composed of prominent private practitioners, arbitrators and in-house counsel, who advise the HKIAC Secretariat on policy direction and general management issues, whilst the Proceedings Committee, which is composed of 11 arbitration lawyers, supports the HKIAC’s Appointments Committee and Secretariat in the exercise of their powers, in particular on the appointment and challenges of arbitrators and on any revisions of the HKIAC Arbitration Rules and Procedures.

Domitille Baizeau is also a member of the International Court of Arbitration of  the ICC and was, until 2019, Vice-President of the Arbitration Court of the Swiss Chambers’ Arbitration Institution.

You can find more information about HKIAC here.

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