News | 09 January 2018

Sam Moss appointed to the IBA's International construction projects committee

LALIVE associate Sam Moss has been appointed an officer of the IBA’s International Construction Projects Committee (ICP) with immediate effect. This appointment, which is for a two year term, follows Sam Moss’ consistent involvement in the committee, including as a speaker at key conferences, and his growing reputation as a construction disputes lawyer.

The IBA’s International Construction Projects Committee is a part of the Energy, Environment, Natural Resources and Infrastructure Law Section (SEERIL), which brings together specialist lawyers from around the world at focused conferences, as well as producing specialist publications covering the latest legal developments in the sector.

Other members of the firm with key positions in IBA committees include Marc Henzelin (Officer of the Double Jeopardy Subcommittee, former Chair of the Business Crime Committee), Noradèle Radjai (Co-chair of the Arb-40 Subcommittee), Sandrine Giroud (Officer of the Litigation Committee) and Sonja Maeder Morvant (Vice Chair of the IBA’s Business Crime Committee).

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