Professional journal | 18 June 2020

Droit Suisse des sanctions et de la confiscation internationals”, the new reference book co-edited by Sandrine Giroud

LALIVE partner Sandrine Giroud is co-editor and co-author of the reference book “Droit Suisse des sanctions et de la confiscation internationales” (“Swiss law on international sanctions and confiscation”), published (in French) by Helbing Lichtenhahn and available here.

In recent years, the Swiss law on international sanctions and confiscation has undergone numerous legislative and jurisprudential developments, notably due to the globalisation of markets and to the international fight against corruption, the financing of terrorism, money laundering and related scourges, such as kleptocracy.

This book presents the subject, which transcends traditional legal categories, in a systematic and lateral manner. It analyses the applicability of international sanctions in Swiss law and the different stages in the process of confiscating assets of illicit origin. These phases include the the freezing of assets, their confiscation, and their restitution, all of which are examined in the light of criminal law, international mutual legal assistance in criminal matters and administrative law. The book also discusses specific issues such as de-listing from sanction lists, the discretionary power of the Swiss authorities to implement sanctions, the rights and obligations of financial intermediaries, the rights of victims of potentates, the criminal consequences of a violation of any such ordered measures, support for the state of origin, the exchange of information and the interaction between the various measures.

Drawn from the expertise of specialists in each field, the book aims to provide practitioners with concrete answers and to contextualize the innovative nature and certain shortcomings of the legal tools developed by Swiss law.

Co-editor: Héloïse Rordorf-Braun. Authors : Nicolas Bottinelli, Alain Chablais, Andrew M. Garbarski, Sandrine Giroud, Anne Valérie Julen Berthod, Patrick Lamon, Alizée Lecouturier, Maria Ludwiczak Glassey, Benoît Mauron, Pierre-Yves Morier, Stiliano Ordolli, Héloïse Rordorf-Braun, Anne-Claude Scheidegger, Olivier Thormann, Robert Zimmermann.

Sandrine Giroud is recognized as an expert in litigation, asset recovery and private clients by the most important legal directories.

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